Global Attunement Day

Join us for a special day devoted to bringing the healing power of Attunement to the world.

Together we will radiate the transforming energy of Love to open hearts and minds throughout the awakening local and global community. Global Attunement Day is about focusing the power of our unified presence to bring healing to the world!

Attunement is an energy healing modality that works through the vibrational gateways of the endocrine system. These gateways transmit the radiant flow of Love into the human design as a whole, that restores peace, vitality and dynamic balance to body, mind, heart and soul.

The healing power of Attunement activates our primal connection with Source and with all creation.

R250 – bring and share lunch, teas provided

To book, contact Ellinor on (021) 794 1297 / 082 431 4159 /

Blogs And Meditations

The Inside Job of Oneness

This Week’s Quotation: In my Father’s house are many mansions. The house is the whole world. The mansion is that holy place in your inner being where you can let

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Come To Love

This Week’s Quotation: Only love is forever. It is born in each human being throughout time. Some awaken fully to love and some do not. But love is here to

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If the process of Attunement intrigues you—or if you simply want to stay connected with people who resonate with something that is important to you—we invite you to stay in touch.

We’re happy to tell you what is transpiring in the world of Attunement. And we are always eager to hear from people who share our passion for Attunement. 



An Online Course

Would you like to have a firsthand experience of the Power of Attunement for yourself? Join us for a free, 90-minute mini-course that introduces the foundational principles of the Attunement process.

Click the button below to find out more and register for our next event.