Practical Spirituality

Practical Spirituality One Day Seminars

It appears that our world lacks the calibre of effective leadership required to meet the multiplying challenges and issues facing humanity and the planet. In offering the Practical Spirituality Seminar we hold the premise that each person has within them the potential to bring to their world the calibre of leadership the world is looking for. If you wish to “make a difference” in how you show up in your world, come join us for a day of exploration and inspiration that will empower you to touch into your greater leadership and be a positive influence in your•ª life. The Practical Spirituality day seminar provides teaching and experiential learning around:

  • Original Thinking: How to activate your own inspired thinking.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Welcome the role of your feelings. Learn how creative use of emotion can transform your life.
  • Relationship with the Sacred: Know the value of having a spiritual practice
  • The Principles of Manifestation:  Understand how to bring creative fulfillment to your projects.
  • The Source of Inner Strength:  Find the strength to confidently face the challenges in your life.

The world needs those who can inspire others to a high order of leadership with the ability to collaborate with others that leads to increased opportunities for world service.

Blogs And Meditations

The Call of Life to a Troubled World

This Week’s Quotation: It’s not an ordinary time. Not an ordinary time at all. It’s a time for heroes Those who can face facts Though they sear like a red hot iron… The evils already are here Hunger and inflation and plutonium and a thousand more Spawn of human arrogance

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Praying Without Ceasing

This Week’s Quotation: What is prayer? Prayer is vibrational attunement with God. As we reach a point where we live, abide, under the shadow of the Almighty, abide under the Shekinah of the Almighty, with the patterns of attunement with that higher Shekinah clearly established, we will be praying without

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Holding the Planet in Attunement

Just a few days ago, we convened a very special gathering of Attunement practitioners at the Gate House Spiritual Centre here in Cape Town. The intention for this time was to deepen our experience and appreciation for the central role Attunement is destined to play in our lives and for

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Introduction to Attunement

An Online Course

Would you like to have a firsthand experience of the Power of Attunement for yourself? Join us for a free, 90-minute mini-course that introduces the foundational principles of the Attunement process.

Click the button below to find out more and register for our next event.