This Week's Quotation:
As you individually let go to the outworking of the cycle that was released through this past weekend, something was established in you which was moving and should still be moving, toward a cleansing of that subconscious realm. To whatever degree you actually let go at that time, the reality of that cleansing has begun.
According to your response, so be it unto you.Lloyd Arthur Meeker
Cleansing Subsconcious Realms

As an Attunement Server, Meeker’s words have become important in my life. There is an eternal aspect to these words. Whatever comes into consciousness is the work that we as attunement practitioners do. It remains for us to do the one thing that frees substance in ourselves. Let go, and Let God.
We read about the “fall” in the Bible when something so terrifying happened that human beings could not hold their centre and fell into fear and survival consciousness. I believe we are facing the dissolution and healing of this deeply held trauma now, much of it residing in the subconscious mind.
There also appears to be a mass awakening. I see it in my friends, family, and community. I see evidence of this awakening in social media every day. Are you seeing it too?
We are all learning to move toward the Light and let the darkness naturally fall away by the weight of its illusions. There are many stages within the awakening process, and there is a good deal of understanding about the power of embracing our inner child. And yet, there is much more for us to encompass in our Attunement Field when we truly wish to be internally cleansed.
I have been considering the importance and power of remote attunement. In my current experience, I have become acutely aware of the internal cleansing needed for each one of us, in the quest to move deeper into this field and to support the collective journey of others. How else will we restore the heart of the world?
Join me in this quest as Attunement Servers, uniting to ensure a collective cleansing.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.