This Week's Quotation:
Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.
Lloyd Arthur Meeker
The Perfect Practice of Attunement

Lloyd Meeker, the founder of Attunement, teaches that a person’s Attunement in Love may release a radiation perfectly capable of producing perfection, beauty, peace, harmony, joy, fulfilment on earth as it is in heaven.
Many today have awakened to the possibility of knowing Universal Oneness, an experience long lost to Humanity. The truth of Universal Love is being restored to human consciousness once again on earth!
Knowing our true identity sourced in Love, we recognise we are not meant to be subject to the control of external effects.
In fact, we create the world we know!
Our Attunement practice reminds us we are created to Be the embodied expression of Divine Being, a connecting link for creation, and a bringer of blessing to the world.
For Divine Presence to act on earth through humanity, our primary challenge is to restore the experience of Oneness for ourselves and then for humanity as a whole.
In Attunement with Love, we see the world through love’s eyes, naturally radiate loving kindness, and develop a deeper knowing of one another. Our Presence touches the hearts and spirits of the people in our lives.
As we do our radiant work together, new realms of wonder open up, revealing possibilities for greater healing and spiritual transformation born from our loving and knowing.
Never has there been a time in our world when attuned awakened souls were more needed! Nor has there been a collective awakening of humanity of this magnitude more available to the Divine.
As Beloved Community, are we not charged to move with full trust in Love’s way towards fulfilling our divine destiny?
Thank you for joining me in considering the perfect practice of Attunement.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.