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Blogs And Meditations

Gratitude Heals Divided Consciousness

This Week’s Quotation: Your conscious mind is capable of observing what the fact is in any particular situation, but your heart very often doesn’t like to accept the fact of the situation. In any instance where there is a division in this regard, there is a state of discomfort. This

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Praying Without Ceasing

This Week’s Quotation: What is prayer? Prayer is vibrational attunement with God. As we reach a point where we live, abide, under the shadow of the Almighty, abide under the Shekinah of the Almighty, with the patterns of attunement with that higher Shekinah clearly established, we will be praying without

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The Art and Practice of Living in Attunement

Attunement as a way of Being and a consciousness practice welcomes the Presence and energy of Love to flood our physical, emotional and mental levels of being, bringing our capacities into alignment with the natural design already operational in the invisible realms of Being. The love that flows through the

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Introduction to Attunement

An Online Course

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