The Inside Job of Oneness

This Week's Quotation:

In my Father’s house are many mansions. The house is the whole world. The mansion is that holy place in your inner being where you can let these things of God come to rest—the holy place of union, the union of love and truth in you. As you abide in such meditation during this attunement, and as you give attunement or serve as an instrument through which attunements are given, you will be doing well. The human mind and heart have been so long separated from God that the human being tends to feel, self-actively, of course, that it would somehow be a sacrilege to suppose that God could act in him or her. We must reach the point of centering where being with one accord in one place, we continue to let the spirit of God work through us—God in action on earth here and now.

The Inside Job of Oneness

Anne-Lise Bure, A cosmopolitan in love with truth

I have been thinking about the many troubles on our home planet recently. This past weekend, devastating ammunition targeted whole nations in the Middle East. This is as troubling as the gang-related war that continues across Cape Town communities. How can we restore its local name, “Mother City,” when its children are being shot and massacred daily? There appears to be no effective way to talk sense to politicians and leaders. It seems that the darkness is truly deep.

What can one person do when the urge arises so strongly in us—in a mother wanting a better life for her children than she has had, a father who feels deeply hopeless and in despair, unable to provide for his family or parents whose future dreams crumble in the wake of a devastating force.

I was elated to meet the Emissaries in Cape Town in 1979 and discover Lloyd Arthur Meeker’s work. My despairing experiences of “Churchianity” intensified the search for a true meaning to our existence and a new way to regenerate and celebrate community. I sensed deep down what I heard Brene Brown say: spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Surely this applies to the whole of humanity?

In my experience, it takes concentrated and continued practice in abiding and centering and in letting and allowing God to work through me. I know we are all here to allow that union of love and truth to guide us, each one first, and then to discover how knowing and loving regenerates our beloved community where we live. This is an inside job of Oneness first. Join us in finding the whole regeneration of our divinely sourced human destiny.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

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