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Blogs And Meditations

Cleansing Subconscious Realms

This Week’s Quotation: As you individually let go to the outworking of the cycle that was released through this past weekend, something was established in you which was moving and should still be moving, toward a cleansing of that subconscious realm. To whatever degree you actually let go at that

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Praying Without Ceasing

This Week’s Quotation: What is prayer? Prayer is vibrational attunement with God. As we reach a point where we live, abide, under the shadow of the Almighty, abide under the Shekinah of the Almighty, with the patterns of attunement with that higher Shekinah clearly established, we will be praying without

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Whatever Arises

This Week’s Quotation: Whatever arises, let me dwell in the secret place of the most high. Let there be a place of stillness within the midst of turmoil. Let there be a place of light amidst the darkness. Let there be a place of ease amid disease. Let there be

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