This Week's Quotation:
As you individually let go to the outworking of the cycle that was released From age to age, Love’s word rings forth, “The Truth is true and all is well, unconquerable life prevails.”
~ Martin Cecil
From Age to Age

Attunement Practitioners know how to open the seven spiritual gateways that welcome the Reality of Love to flow into our human experience. In this way we are opening the Book of Life individually and as a conscious collective. I love that!
And I believe it is vital we recognise the importance that we share our attunement experience with people in our world—guided by the Grace of Love always with us in the eternal moment of Now.
Have you been introduced to Wim Hoff? He is known as the iceman—known for his ability to withstand frigid temperatures. In a recent interview, he shared his experience of how unconquerable life takes over in extreme situations. As I listened, I had a memory of such an experience involving my two-year-old son.
I was picking my children up from a kiddie’s party when suddenly, out of nowhere, my son ran toward my moving vehicle. I heard a thud as his body met the side of the car. Shocked as I was, there was no thinking or feeling. There was just being fully present, surrendered to the is-ness of the situation. The power and grace of an all-embracing Love had kicked in and prevailed! Fortunately, my son was unharmed and after a soothing embrace, we were ready to go home.
Have you ever experienced extreme moments? I suspect most of us have.
Of course, we don’t have to be in a life-threatening emergency to be fully present. Every day provides us with opportunities big and small to open the Book of Life and welcome its Grace.
What a gift to be released from the paralysing lethargy of past patterns, fear, limiting beliefs, and the survival focus that have held us back from knowing the joy and freedom of being fully present and fully alive.
What Is Attunement?
Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.