True Greatness – An Attunement Meditation

Down through the ages there have been two types of greatness, exemplified on the one hand by individuals who elevated themselves to places of power and authority and wealth on the blood and sweat and tears of those who were compelled to serve their masters’ ends; and on the other hand we have that greatness which is exemplified by those individuals who without reservation gave themselves to ideals and purposes which they conceived to be greater than themselves and in which they inspired faith, confidence and self-sacrifice in the hearts and minds and lives of the millions who struggle to throw off the chains of bondage, that they may rise to the stature of men and women created in the image and likeness of God. In the human sense all men are created equal, but the worth of the individual life in relationship to humanity and before God is determined by the ideal to which the individual gives himself and the degree to which that self-dedication causes him to utilize the fulness of his talents and potentialities in the achievement of that ideal. Regardless of color or race, he who uses his potentialities and his opportunities in the service of a worthy ideal is great, whether he appears to be so or not on the basis of the old world’s standard of evaluation.

~Lloyd Arthur Meeker

True Greatness

Are there people you admire greatly? For me, there are.

The people I admire dedicate themselves to a life of service to others with an acknowledgment of the worth and the divine origin of all people. They are people of service, like the ones described in this excerpt above. To me, this is what makes true greatness.
David Karchere
Attunement Teacher & Author

That kind of dedication ennobles a person. It affirms and amplifies their worth and deepens their Attunement with the creative source within them.

Are you a person like that? As a reader of this blog, I suspect you are. If so, I encourage you to feel the appreciation and blessing that is there for you from the world of Reality. If others who don’t live their life with that devotion don’t see you for who you are, don’t worry about it. Just receive the love of the universe for one of its own.

What Is Attunement?

Attunement is a consciousness practice and an energy medicine practice that leads to personal spiritual regeneration.

Blogs And Meditations

What is Attunement

It is natural for us as spiritual beings in human form to live a spiritually activated life. Attunement is the activation switch for spiritual regeneration. Once that switch is flipped,

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The Truth Within Us

This Week’s Quotation: So it isn’t a matter of recalling words out of the past, whether those words were the words of Jesus or anybody else, if we are to

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